List of Publications
-S. Kernbach. Tests of the circular Poynting vector emitter in static E/H fields, IJUS, Issue E2, pages 23-40, 2018 link to published paper
-S. Kernbach. Replication experiment on distant influence on biological organisms conducted in 1986, IJUS, Issue E2, pages 41-46, 2018 link to published paper
-Serge Kernbach, Vitaliy Zamsha, Yuri Kravchenko, Experimental Approach Towards Long-Range Interactions from 1.6 to 13798 km Distances in Bio-Hybrid Systems, NeuroQuantology, 14(3), pp.456 -476, doi:10.14704/nq.2016.14.3.917, 2016 link to published paper
-S.Kernbach, I.Kuksin, O.Kernbach, Analysis of weak emissions by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (rus), IJUS, 11(4), 6-22, 2016, link to published paper
S.Kernbach, I.Kuksin, O.Kernbach On accurate differential measurements with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,, 1607.07292, 2016
- V.Zhigalov, S.Kernbach, A.Smirnov. On ethics of unconventional technologies on a global market (rus), IJUS, 11(4), р. 111-114, 2016 link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, On the programmable phantom effect (rus), IJUS 10(3), p. 19-31, 2015, link to published paper
- V. Shkatov, S.Kernbach, M. Krinker, Report on experiment with temporal phantom of a thermonuclear event (rus), IJUS, 10(3), p 54-61, 2015 link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, Worlds of John Dee (rus), IJUS, 10(3), 62-87, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Programmable phantom effect (rus), IJUS, 10(3), 19-31, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, M.Krinker, A.Smirnov, V.Shkatov, Y.Kravchenko, A.Pavlenko, A.Bobrov, G.Shipov, V.Zamsha, Thesaurus of unconventional research (rus), IJUS, 9(3), 94-127, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, A.Kernbach, A.Rusanov, I.Volkov, Ochatrin's detector and Akimov's generator: Analysis of devices (rus), IJUS, 9(3), 70-89, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Detection of ultraweak interactions by precision dpH approach (rus), IJUS, 9(3), 17-41, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, A.Karavaikin. Using telecommunication networks for transmitting non-electromagnetic impacts (rus), IJUS, 8(3), 43-55, 2015, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, Unconventional Research - pseudoscience, techno-mysticism or a new scientific field? (rus), IJUS, 8(3), 70-75, 2015, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach, Supernatural. Scientifically proven facts (announcement of the book) (rus), IJUS, 8(2), 106-112, 2015, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach, I. Volkov, The bioscope: two replications, IJUS, 7(3), 34-50, 2015, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach. ‘High-penetrating’ emission in the West. Brief engineering overview. Part 2 (rus), IJUS, 6(2), 62-98, 2014, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach. The minimal microbiological experiment (rus), IJUS, 6(2), 45-54, 2014, link to published paper
S. Kernbach, O. Kernbach. On precise pH and dpH measurement, IJUS, 5(2), 83-103, 2014, link to published paper
- S.N. Maslobrod, S. Kernbach, E.S. Maslobrod. Nonlocal effects in the system “digital representation of vegetable object - the vegetable object”. Part 2 (rus), IJUS, 5(2), 56-78, 2014, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach. ‘High-penetrating’ emission in the West. Brief engineering overview. Part 1 (rus), IJUS, 4(2), 62-87, 2014, link to published paper
- S. Kernbach. The Minimal Experiment (rus), IJUS, 4(2), 50-61, 2014, link to published paper
- S.N. Maslobrod, S. Kernbach, E.S. Maslobrod. Nonlocal effects in the system “digital representation of vegetable object - the vegetable object”. Part 1 (rus), IJUS, 4(2), 26-46, 2014, link to published paper
- S.Kernbach, V.T.Shkatov, V.Zamsha. Report on long-range interaction experiments with a digital representation of the planet Mars (rus), IJUS, N2(1), 61-75, 2013, link to published paper
- Serge Kernbach, Vladislav Zhigalov. Report on the “fantom effect” experiments (rus), IJUS, N2(1), 56-60, 2013, link to published paper
Serge Kernbach, Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview, arXiv:1312.1148, 2013 version published in IJUS 3(1), 50-71, 2013
S. Kernbach, O. Kernbach, Collective energy homeostasis in a large-scale microrobotic swarm, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 59, Issue 12, Pages 1090–1101, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2011.08.001, 2011, link to publisher
S. Kernbach, V. Nepomnyashchikh, T. Kancheva, O. Kernbach "Specialization and generalization of robot behavior in swarm energy foraging", Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 1-22, DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2011.601421, Taylor & Francis, 2011,
Olga Kernbach, Serge Kernbach, Paul Levi, "Handling of Turbulences in Manufacturing through Multi-agent Systems (Behandlung von Turbulenzen in der Produktion durch intelligente Agentensysteme)", Lebendige Wissenschaft, 41-46, 2, 2003 (in germ.)
Yi. I. Rogozow, S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Invariant organisation of differential structures on the attractors with complex topology for evoluitonary CAD-systems (in rus). In: Letters of Taganrog State University, 96-97, v. 3(1), TSURE, Taganrog, (, 1996
S.Kernbach, Supernatural. Scientifically proven facts. Algorithm. Moscow, 2015
Serge Kernbach (ed), “Handbook of Collective Robotics: Fundamentals and Challenges”, Pan Stanford Publishing, ISBN-13: 9789814316422, 2013 link to the book in Amazon
- Serge Kernbach, "Introduction to Collective Robotics: Reliability, Flexibility, Scalability", in S.Kernbach (ed), “Handbook of Collective Robotics: Fundamentals and Challenges”, pp.1-32, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013
- Serge Kernbach, “Improving the scalability of collective systems”, in S.Kernbach (ed), “Handbook of Collective Robotics: Fundamentals and Challenges”, pp. 225-256, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013
- Alan F.T.Winfield, Serge Kernbach, Thomas Schmickl, “Collective Foraging: Cleaning, Energy Harvesting and Trophallaxis”, in S.Kernbach (ed), “Handbook of Collective Robotics: Fundamentals and Challenges”, pp.257-300, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013
- Serge Kernbach, “Developmental Collective Robotics: Advantages and Challenges”, in S.Kernbach (ed), “Handbook of Collective Robotics: Fundamentals and Challenges”, pp. 365-396, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013
Serge Kernbach, “Heterogeneous Self-Assembling based on Constraint Satisfaction Problem” in Martinoli, A.; Mondada, F.; Correll, N.; Mermoud, G.; Egerstedt, M.; Hsieh, M.A.; Parker, L.E.; Støy, K. (Eds.) "Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 83”, pp 491-503, ISBN 978-3-642-32723-0, Springer 2013,link to the book in Springer
- Serge Kernbach, “Challenges of Pervasive Adaptation: Viewpoint from Robotics” in Alois Ferscha (ed.) “Pervasive Adaptation - The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda”, p.43, ISBN 978-3-200-02270-6, Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2011,link to the book
Serge Kernbach, “Robot Companions: Technology for Humans”, in Jeremy Pitt (ed.) “This Pervasive Day”, World Scientific, ISBN 9781848167490, 2012, link to the book
Serge Kernbach, Benjamin Girault, Olga Kernbach, “On Self-Optimized Self-Assembling of Heterogeneous Multi-robot Organisms”, in Yan Meng (ed.) “Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Collective Systems”, Springer, 2011,link to the book
Serge Kernbach, "Living Technology and Robotics", in "Living Technology: 5 Questions", Mark Bedau, Pelle Guldborg Hansen, Emily Parke, Steen Rasmusen (Editors), Automatic Press/VIP, 2010, link to the book
Paul Levi, Serge Kernbach (Eds.) "Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution", Springer, 2010, link to the book in Springer
- S.Kernbach, "From Robot Swarm to Artificial Organisms: Self-organization of Structures, Adaptivity and Self-Development" (chapter in book), Levi, Paul; Kernbach, Serge; (Eds.) "Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution", pp.5-25, Springer, 2010
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach "Structural Self-Organized Control" (chapter in book), Levi, Paul; Kernbach, Serge; (Eds.) "Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution", Springer, pp.306-326, 2010
- V.Red'ko, S.Kernbach "Self-learning Behavior of Virus-like Artificial Organisms" (chapter in book), Levi, Paul; Kernbach, Serge; (Eds.) "Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution", Springer, pp.403-425, 2010
- Eugen Meister, Oliver Scholz, Jaouhar Jemai, Jiri Havlik, Wenguo Liu,. Salah Karout, Guoqiang Fu, Serge Kernbach, "Computation, Distributed Sensing and Communication", (chapter in book), Levi, Paul; Kernbach, Serge; (Eds.) "Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution", pp.92-114, Springer, 2010.
S.Kernbach, "Towards application of collective robotics in industrial environment" (chapter in book), in G.G. Rigatos (ed.) Industrial Systems: Modelling, Automation and Adaptive Behaviour, IGI Global, pp.18-49, 2010, link to the book
P.Courtney, O.Michel, A.Cangelosi, V.Tikha-noff, G.Metta, L.Natale, F.Nori, and S.Kernbach, "Cognitive Systems Platforms using Open Source" (chapter in book), Madhavan, Raj; Tunstel, Edward; Messina, Elena (Eds.) "Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Intelligent Systems", Springer, 139-168, 2009,link to the book
Serge Kernbach, "Structural Self-organization in Multi-Agents and Multi-Robotic Systems", Logos Verlag Berlin, 2008,link to the book
Lukas König, Kristof Jebens, Serge Kernbach, Paul Levi, "Stability of on-line and on-board evolving of adaptive collective behavior", in Herman Bruyninckx, Libor Preucil, Miroslav Kulich, (Eds.) European Robotics Symposium 2008, Series: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 44, pp. 293-302, Springer, 2008link to the book
Olga Kernbach, Serge Kernbach, Paul Levi, "Information Technologies for Flexible Manufacturing" (chapter in book), in E. Westkämper Hans E. Zahn (Edt.) "Flexible Manufacturing: Stuttgart's Model (Wandlungsfähige Produktionsunternehmen: Das Stuttgarter Unternehmensmodell)", Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 160-184, 2007 (in germ.)link to the book
Serge Kernbach, Olga Kernbach, "Artificial Self-organization and Collective Artificial Intelligence: on the way from individual to social" (chapter in book), in V.Redko "From Behavioural Models to Artificial Intelligence", URSS Publishing House, pp. 411-450, 2006 (in rus.)link to the book
Olga Kernbach, Serge Kernbach, "Natural and artificial self-organization" (chapter in book), in A.A.Kolesnikov (Edt.) "Synergetics: self-organization and control", TRTU Verlag, 2004 (in rus.)
Pre-print Archives (, Cornell University Library, open-access)
A.E. Eiben, N. Ferreira, M. Schut, S. Kernbach, "Evolution of Things", arXiv:1106.0190
Serge Kernbach, "Robot Companions: Technology for Humans", arXiv:1111.5207Serge Kernbach, "Awareness and Self-Awareness for Multi-Robot Organisms", arXiv:1111.5219
Serge Kernbach, "On Three Challenges of Artificial Living Systems and Embodied Evolution", arXiv:1111.1094Serge Kernbach, "Collective Energy Foraging of Robot Swarms and Robot Organisms", arXiv:1111.0873
"Serge Kernbach, " - Open-hardware Microrobotic Project for Large-scale Artificial Swarms, arXiv:1110.5762
"Serge Kernbach, "Diffusion of Information in Robot Swarms, arXiv:1110.5183
"Serge Kernbach, "Three Cases of Connectivity and Global Information Transfer in Robot Swarms", arXiv:1109.4221
Year 2015
- Heiko Hamann, Mostafa Wahby, Thomas Schmickl, Payam Zahadat, Daniel Hofstadler, Kasper Stoy, Sebastian Risi, Andres Faina, Frank Veenstra, Serge Kernbach, Igor Kuksin, Olga Kernbach, Phil Ayres and Przemyslaw Wojtaszek, Flora Robotica - Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids, IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 2015
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, S.N.Maslobrod, Biohybrid technology: symbiosis of organisms and robots, The Xth International Congress of Geneticists and Breeders, June 28–July 1, Chisinau, 2015
- S.Maslobrod and S.Kernbach, Water as Receiver of Information from Digital Representations of Plant Objects Subjected to Thermal Stress Action: 1. Biological Indicator Testing, ICNBME-2015, the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chisinau 2015
- S.Kernbach1, S.Maslobrod, O.Kernbach and E.Maslobrod, Water as a Receiver of Information from Digital Representations of Plant Objects Subjected to Thermal Stress Action: 2. Instrumental Testing, ICNBME-2015, the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chisinau, 2015
- N.A.Enaki, V.I.Koroli, S.Bazgan, A.Nistreanu, S.Palistrant, D.Bogoev, M.Turcan, T.Pislari, Y.Boshneaga, N.Lambropoulos, S.Patel, A.Khrennikov, M.Marinucci, S.C.Kwok, L.Pannese, M. Arniani, R.Torrenti, S.Maslobrod, V.Scherbakov, E.Kuznetsov, I.Moldovanu, O.Misic, S.Odobescu, A.Lupusor, A.Cernei, V.Vovc, O.Arnaut, N.Ciobanu, P.Tuzlucov, S.Kernbach, A.Sorli and V. Anisimov, Quantum Information Processes in Protein Microtubules of Brain Neurons, ICNBME-2015, the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chisinau, 2015
Year 2014
- Payam Zahadat, Michael Bodi, Ziad Salem, Frank Bonnet, Marcelo Elias de Oliveira, Francesco Mondada, Karlo Griparic, Tomislav Haus, Stjepan Bogdan, Rob Mills, Pedro Mariano, Luís Correia, Olga Kernbach, Serge Kernbach, Thomas Schmickl: Social adaptation of robots for modulating self-organization in animal societies . 2nd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems, 2014
- S.N.Maslobrod, S.Kernbah. Experimental verification of unidirectional and bidirectional interactions in the system “digital representation of seeds – seeds”, Symposium on Unconventional plant growing, Alushta, 2014
- S.N.Maslobrod, S.Kernbah, V.G.Karanfil, A.P.Boishtyan. Improving productivity of wheat by physical and anthropic impact through their digital representations, Symposium on Unconventional plant growing, Alushta, 2014
Year 2013
- Thomas Schmickl, Stjepan Bogdan, Luís Correia, Serge Kernbach, Francesco Mondada, Michael Bodi, Alexey Gribovskiy, Sibylle Hahshold, Damjan Miklic, Martina Szopek, Ronald Thenius, José Halloy: ASSISI: Mixing Animals with Robots in a Hybrid Society, Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8064, 441-443, 2013
- José Halloy, Francesco Mondada, Serge Kernbach, Thomas Schmickl:, Towards Bio-hybrid Systems Made of Social Animals and Robots, In: N.F. Lepora et al. (eds.): Living Machines 2013, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 8064, 384-386, 2013
- Thomas Schmickl, Stjepan Bogdan, Luis Correia, Serge Kernbach, Francesco Mondada, Michael Bodi, Alexey Gribovskiy, Sibylle Hahshold, Damjan Miklic, Martina Szopek, Ronald Thenius, and José Halloy, "The path to ASSISI: Mixing social animals with robots to a bio-hybrid society", International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 'Living Machines 2013', 2013.
- Sergej Maslobrod, Elena Maslobrod, Serge Kernbach, "Long Range Interaction within the System 'Semiconductor Generator - Matrix - Seeds'", 'Bio-Energy-Information Interactions. Ecology and Safety', 18-19 April, Moscow, 2013.
Year 2012
- Serge Kernbach “On High-Penetrating LEDs Emission on Short and Middle Ranges”, International Conference on Torsion Fields ad Information Interactions, pp.98-114, Moscow, 2012.
Year 2011
- Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Jon Timmis, Andy Tyrrell, Jose Halloy, Cesare Stefanini, Luigi Manfredi, Alexandre Campo, Donny Sutantyo, Serge Kernbach, "CoCoRo: The self-aware swarm of underwater robots", IROS 2011 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, California, USA; September 2011
- Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Jon Timmis, Andy Tyrrell, Jose Halloy, Cesare Stefanini, Luigi Manfredi, Alexandre Campo, Donny Sutantyo, Serge Kernbach, "CoCoRo: A swarm of self-aware underwater robots", ICAR 2011 - 15th international Conference on Advanced Robotics, Tallinn, Estonia, June 2011
- Thomas Schmickl, Christoph Möslinger, Ronald Thenius "CoCoRo – A self-aware swarm of underwater vehicles", 1st Awareness Workshop @ SASO 2011 - Fifth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; October 2011
- Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Christoph Möslinger, Jon Timmis, Andy Tyrrell, Jose Halloy, Cesare Stefanini, Luigi Manfredi, Alexandre Campo, Tobias Dipper, Donny Sutantyo, Serge Kernbach “CoCoRo - The Self-aware Underwater Swarm”, workshop “Challenges in achieving self-awareness in autonomous systems”, 11 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2011
- Donny K. Sutantyo and Serge Kernbach, “Minimalistic Approach Towards Underwater Swarm Robotic Development”, International Workshop on Bio-inspired Robots, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, FRANCE, April 6-8, 2011
- Eugen Meister, Sergej Stepanenko, Serge Kernbach, „Adaptive Locomotion of Multibody Snake-like Robot”, International Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 4th-7th July 2011, Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 2011 link to arXiv and eprintweb
Year 2010
- A.E. Eiben M.C. Schut S. Kernbach. Towards New Principles of Unbound Embodied Evolution, EmergeNET4 - Engineering Emergence, 19-20 April 2010, St William's College, York, UK. (extended abstract)
- S. Kernbach, E. Meister, F. Schlachter, O. Kernbach, F. Caparrelli, S. McKibbin, A. van Rossum and P. Levi. Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms. Poster of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys-2010), Zurich, Switzerland, 27--28 January, 2010
Year 2009
- S. Kernbach, T. Schmickl, J. Timmis. Collective Adaptive Systems: Challenges Beyond Evolvability. In: Workshop on "FET Proactive: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems", 3-4 November, Brussels, 2009
- J. Timmis, S. Kernbach. Collective Adaptive Systems: The Need for Homeostasis. In: Workshop on "FET Proactive: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems", 3-4 November, Brussels, 2009
- T. Schmickl, S. Kernbach. Creating adaptive systems that are as “rich” as their natural counterparts? Challenges for Evolvability. In: Workshop on "FET Proactive: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems", 3-4 November, Brussels, 2009
Year 2008
- S.Kernbach, P.Levi, E.Meister. REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms. International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys 2008), University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany April 2 - 4, 2008
Year 2007
- R.Thenius, T.Schmickl, S.Kernbach, K.Crailsheim. Bee-derived collision based algorithm tested in a micro-robot-swarm. In: Proceedings of the 20th meeting of the German section of the IUSSI, 25th-28th Sept., Bochum, Germany, 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005
Year 2004
Year 2003
Year 2001
- Yi. I. Rogozow, S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach. Arithmetic model of formal neurone sysnthtesis and minimization of logical function. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 2-nd international symposium on neuroinformatics and neurocomputers, 20-23 Sep, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, pp. 381-387, 1995
Conferences (Abstracts):
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi.I. Rogozow, "Evolution of technical Systems" (in rus). In: In: Proceeding of abstracts of 3rd russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1996- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi.I. Rogozow, "On selection of topology for functional spaces in evolutionary CAD" (in rus), In: Proceeding of abstracts of 3rd russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1996
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "On synthesis of invariant attracting manifolds of dynamical systems" (in rus). In: Proceeding of abstracts of 3rd russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1996
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Design of self-developmental systems based on invariant attracting manifolds" (in rus). In: Proceeding of abstracts of 3rd russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1996
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi.I. Rogozow, B.I.Pachomkin, "Synthesis of invariant solutions for evolutionary systems" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of russion conference in TSURE, TRUSE, Taganrog, 1995
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi.I. Rogozow, B.I.Pachomkin, "On development of automatic working places with Multi-Media-technology" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of russion conference in TSURE, TRUSE, Taganrog, 1995
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, V. Miagkich, "Searching for a global extremum on some functional attractors" (in rus). In: Proceeding of abstracts of russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1995
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, "Evolutionary modeling for CAD-systems applied in design of Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits" (in rus). In: Proceeding of abstracts of russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1995
- S.Kernbach, G.Yakimenko, "Application of synergetic approach for synthesis of fuzzy regulator in extreme perturbation mode" (in rus). In: Proceeding of abstracts of russian conference of students and aspirants, Taganrog, TSURE, 1995
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Methodology for design of CAD-VLSIC systems with evolutionary modeling" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of russion conference in TSURE, TRUSE, Taganrog, 1995
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Application of formal neurons in development of devices and systems in air- & space- applications" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 6th regional Tupolev conference, KGTU Tupolev, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Method of automatic transformation for machine synthesis of formal neurons and minimization of A-neuronal networks" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 20th russion Gagarin conference, Moskow, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Measurement system for automatic estimation of timber parameters" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 2nd russion conference of Taganrog University, Taganrog, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Measurement system for automatic estimation of timber parameters" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 2nd russion conference of Taganrog University, Taganrog, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Application of information transformation for analysis and synthesis of dynamical systems" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 2nd russion conference of Taganrog University, Taganrog, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Information measurement system for indirect measurement" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 2nd russion conference of Taganrog University, Taganrog, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Application of formal neuron for synthesis of noise-immune systems" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of 2nd russion conference of Taganrog University, Taganrog, 1994
- S.Kernbach, O.Kernbach, Yi. I. Rogozow, "Method of machine synthesis of formal neuron and building A-neuronal networks" (in rus), Proceeding of abstracts of XLIX symposium, devoted to the Day of Radio, Moskow, 1994
- Cesare Stefanini, Stefano Mintchev, Stefano Marrazza, Stefano Orofino, Serge Kernbach, Donny Sutantyo, Deliverable D.4.3, Individual Working Modules, ANGELS, ANGuilliform robot with Electric Sense, 2011
- Donny Sutantyo, Tobias Dipper, Serge Kernbach, Deliverable D.6.1, Working software framework, ANGELS, ANGuilliform robot with Electric Sense, 2011
- Tobias Dipper, Donny Sutantyo, Serge Kernbach, Deliverable D.6.2, Behavioural interactions for exploration, ANGELS, ANGuilliform robot with Electric Sense, 2011
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2008-2009 (coordinator part), SYMBRION: Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms, GA 216342, 2009
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2008-2009 (coordinator part), REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms, GA 216240, 2009
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2009-2010 (coordinator part), SYMBRION: Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms, GA 216342, 2010
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2009-2010 (coordinator part), REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms, GA 216240, 2010
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2010-2011 (coordinator part), SYMBRION: Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms, GA 216342, 2011
- Serge Kernbach, Project Periodic Report 2010-2011 (coordinator part), REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms, GA 216240, 2011
- Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Deliverable SD1.1., Hardware specification for robot design (USTUTT part), SYMBRION, 2009
- Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Deliverable SD1.3., Design, first prototypes and tests of the electronics and mechanics (USTUTT part), SYMBRION, 2009
- Serge Kernbach, Deliverable SD1.3., Dissemination and use plans, SYMBRION, 2009
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable RD2.1., Software concept of controlling the artificial organism, (USTUTT part), REPLICATOR, 2009
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable RD2.1., Description of the BIOS systems and middleware (USTUTT part), REPLICATOR, 2009
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable SD2.3., Developed BIOS and middleware (USTUTT part), SYMBRION, 2010
- Serge Kernbach, Deliverable SD7.1., Detailed implementation plan, SYMBRION, 2010
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable RD.10., Integrated report on final design of robot modules, hardware-software integration and achievement of Grand Challenge I (USTUTT part), REPLICATOR, 2011
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable SD1.6., Final design of robot modules and report on hardware-software integration (USTUTT part), SYMBRION, 2011
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.:, Deliverable SD4.12., Integrated progress report on autonomous morphogenesis, self-assembling and achieving Grand Challenge II, (USTUTT part), SYMBRION, 2011
- Kernbach, S.; Deliverable D3.1 Control strategies; from insect behaviour to massive perceptive multi agent systems (USTUTT part), ), I-SWARM, Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation, 2005
- Serge Kernbach, Deliverable 6.1, Algorithms and simulations for Collective Perception (USTUTT part), I-SWARM, Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation, 2007
- Serge Kernbach, Deliverable 6.3, Algorithms and Simulations (USTUTT part), I-SWARM, Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation, 2007
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.; Deliverable 6.0-1, Breve simulation model of the I-SWARM robot (USTUTT part), I-SWARM, Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation, 2007
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.; Deliverable 6.2-5, Implementation of I-SWARM Scenarios, I-SWARM, Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation, 2008
- Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: Deliverable 4.2, Description of possible self-organization processes and treatment of the inverse assembly problem, GOLEM: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems, 2008
- Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: Deliverable 4.3, Architecture, distribution principles, multi-agent technology to simulate the mesoscale bio-inspired assembly process, GOLEM: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems, 2009
- Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: Deliverable 4.3, Architecture, distribution principles, multi-agent technology to simulate the mesoscale bio-inspired assembly process, GOLEM: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems, 2009
- Kernbach, S.; Sutantyo, D.: ANGELS - ANGuilliform robot with Electric Sense (Integrated Project №211845). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2009/2010
- Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.: Replicator - Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms (Integrated Project №216240). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2009/2010
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: SYMBRION - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms (Large-scale integrating project №216342). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2009/2010
- Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems(Projekt NMP4-CT-2006-033211). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №3 (2009)
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.; Schlachter, F.: “Kollektive Robotik“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2008/2009
- Kernbach, S.; Sutantyo, D.: ANGELS - ANGuilliform robot with Electric Sense (Integrated Project №211845). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2008/2009
- Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.; Popesku, S.: Replicator - Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms (Integrated Project №216240). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2008/2009
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Schlachter, F.: SYMBRION - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms (Large-scale integrating project №216342). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2008/2009
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems (Projekt NMP4-CT-2006-033211). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №2, 2008
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: GOLEM - Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems (Projekt NMP4-CT-2006-033211). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2007/2008
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Meister. E.: Replicator - Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms (Integrated Project №216240). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2007/2008
- Jebens, K.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.: SYMBRION - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms (Large-scale integrating project №216342). In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2007/2008
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Mesoscale Products and Systems (Projekt NMP4-CT-2006-033211). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №1, 2007
- Avrutin, V.; Kernbach, S.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2006/2007
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation (Projekt №507006). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №3, 2006
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.: “Kollektive Robotik“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2005/2006
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.:“Informationstechnische Kommunikation und Kooperation“ im SFB467 “ Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2005/2006
- Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation (Projekt №507006). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №2, 2005
- Levi, P.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S. : „Informationstechnische Kommunikation und Kooperation“ im SFB467 “ Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“, In: Vorstand des IFF (ed.): Abschlussbericht 1997-2005
- Constantinescu, C.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Oubbati ,M.; Rajaje, H.: “Kollektive Robotik“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2004/2005
- Avrutin, V.; Constantinescu, C.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2004/2005
- Constantinescu, C.; Kernbach, S.; Kernbach, O.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation (Projekt №507006). Beitrag zur Periodic Activity Report №1, 2004
- Kernbach, S.; Rühr, T.: GESTUS DES FLIESSENS - Erkennung der Gesten und Mimik in einer "Mensch-Maschine" Interaktion. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2003/2004
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.:“Informationstechnische Kommunikation und Kooperation“ im SFB467 “ Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2003/2004
- Avrutin, V.; Constantinescu, C.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.: I-SWARM - Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micromanipulation. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2003/2004
- Avrutin, V.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Lammert, R.; Schanz, M.; Wackenhut, G.: Nichtlineare Dynamik. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2002/2003
- Burger, P.; Dürr, F.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Kulendik, O.: „Informationstechnische Kommunikation und Kooperation“ im SFB467 “ Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“, In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2002/2003
- Levi, P.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.: „Informationstechnische Kommunikation und Kooperation“ im SFB467 “ Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“, In: Vorstand des IFF (ed.): Ergebnisbericht 2000-2002
- Avrutin, V.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Lammert, R.; Schanz, M.; Wackenhut, G.: Nichtlineare Dynamik. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2001/2002
- Avrutin, V.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Lammert, R.; Schanz, M.; Wackenhut, G.: Nichtlineare Dynamik. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 2000/2001
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Schanz, M.: Analyse und Steuerung des kollektiven Verhaltens in verteilten Systemen. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 1999/2000
- Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Schanz, M.: Analyse und Steuerung des kollektiven Verhaltens in Multiagenten-Systemen. In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 1998/1999
- Schanz, M.; Avrutin, V.; Kernbach, O.; Kernbach, S.; Chaikevitch, O.; Wackenhut, G.: Kenngrößen und Methoden für selbstorganisierende Produktionssysteme im SFB467 „Wandlungsfähige Unternehmensstrukturen für die variantenreiche Serienproduktion“ In: Vorstand des IPVS (ed.): Jahresbericht 1997/1998